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Indonesian Carbon Exchange, IDXCarbon: Trading for Tomorrow


AuthorAdam Akbar
Published 24 Sep 2024
Indonesian Carbon Exchange, IDXCarbon: Trading for Tomorrow

Indonesia is taking significant steps to address climate change and reduce its carbon emissions. At the forefront of these efforts is the recent launch of IDXCarbon, the Indonesian Carbon Exchange by the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). This trading platform is set to become a pivotal tool in Indonesia's journey toward more sustainable and environmentally responsible practices, aligned with the nation's ambitious climate targets.

In today's inaugural carbon trading session until 11:30 AM WIB, IDXCarbon recorded a total trade of 459,953 tons of Carbon Units with 27 transactions. The provider of Carbon Units for this inaugural trading session is Pertamina New and Renewable Energy (PNRE), offering Carbon Units from the Lahendong Unit 5 and Unit 6 projects of PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Tbk. Among the companies that acted as buyers of Carbon Units in the inaugural IDXCarbon trading session are: PT Bank Central Asia Tbk, PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk, PT Bank DBS Indonesia, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, PT BNI Sekuritas, PT BRI Danareksa Sekuritas (part of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk), PT CarbonX Bumi Harmoni, PT MMS Group Indonesia, PT Multi Optimal Riset dan Edukasi, PT Pamapersada Nusantara, PT Pelita Air Service, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, PT Truclimate Dekarbonisasi Indonesia, and PT Udara Untuk Semua (Fairatmos).

Indonesia's Climate Targets

As a sprawling archipelagic nation with diverse ecosystems, Indonesia faces the intricate task of balancing its economic growth and development with environmental preservation. To tackle the global challenge of climate change, Indonesia made a resolute commitment by ratifying the Paris Agreement in 2016. Under this agreement, the nation pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 29% by 2030, with the possibility of increasing this reduction to 41% with international support.

To reach these ambitious targets, Indonesia has embarked on a multifaceted journey that involves embracing sustainable forestry and land use practices, promoting renewable energy sources, and transitioning to a circular economy. However, a remarkable initiative stands out as a linchpin in Indonesia's efforts to meet its climate targets - the Indonesian Carbon Exchange, IDXCarbon.

The Indonesian Carbon Exchange, IDXCarbon

Launched on September 26, 2023, IDXCarbon represents a pioneering trading platform designed to incentivize businesses and industries to reduce their carbon footprint. Operating on the principles of carbon trading, the exchange allows companies to buy and sell carbon credits, thus fostering carbon reduction measures and encouraging investments in sustainable practices. Regulated by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Indonesian Financial Services Authority, IDXCarbon ensures transparency and credibility, making it a pivotal element in Indonesia's climate mitigation strategy.

IDXCarbon will trade carbon unit securities in the form of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Certificates (SPE-GRK) and Technical Approvals for Upper Emission Limits for Business Actors (PTBAE-PU). The determination of these certificates falls under the purview of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, which plays a pivotal role in setting the economic value of carbon.

Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Certificates (SPE-GRK) serve as a platform for managing data and information on climate change adaptation, mitigation actions, and resources in Indonesia. This enables the standardization and integration of data and information, thereby reducing data-related issues that have been prevalent such as low accuracy, redundancy, incompleteness, and inconsistency. 

The National Registry System for Climate Change Control (SRN-PPI), an online platform operated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, will be used for registering and tracking the effects of these transactions. The SRN-PPI ensures transparency and accountability in every transaction, contributing to Indonesia's pursuit of carbon emission reduction targets. SRN PPI is a web-based system for managing, and providing data and information on climate change mitigation and adoption, actions, and resources, as well as Carbon Economic Value (Nilai Ekonomi Karbon/NEK) in Indonesia

Carbon Trading

IDXCarbon is connected to the National Climate Change Registry System (SRN-PPI) owned by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), making it easier to handle carbon unit transfers and preventing double counting. Companies in the form of corporations that have obligations and/or voluntary commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions can become users of IDXCarbon's services and purchase available Carbon Units. Companies can register by filling out the IDXCarbon User Registration Form available on the website www.idxcarbon.co.id. Additionally, project owners who already have Carbon Units registered in SRN-PPI can sell their Carbon Units through IDXCarbon.

Promoting Sustainable PracticesParticipation in the IDXCab goes beyond just trading carbon credits. It catalyzes for companies to implement sustainable practices that reduce their emissions. By engaging with IDXCarbon, businesses are driven to invest in cleaner technologies and adopt eco-friendly operational procedures. These efforts are pivotal in supporting Indonesia's climate mitigation endeavors.

Aligning with Global Initiatives

Participating in IDXCarbon aligns Indonesia with global initiatives, positioning the nation as an active player in the global carbon market. This not only helps Indonesia meet its climate targets but also enhances its international reputation as a responsible and sustainable nation. Such alignment bolsters Indonesia's role in global climate negotiations and showcases its commitment to the collective effort to mitigate climate change.

Opportunities and Challenges

While the IDXCarbon represents a promising tool in Indonesia's arsenal to achieve its climate goals, it is not without challenges. Ensuring transparency and credibility in the carbon market, supporting small and medium-sized enterprises to participate, and continuously improving the monitoring and verification of emission reductions are areas that require attention.

However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and growth in green technologies and sustainability practices. These innovations can boost Indonesia's economy and create employment opportunities, particularly in the forestry and renewable energy sectors. Take AtmosWatch for example, a DigitalMRV platform currently being developed by Fairatmos to answer the need for transparency in the carbon industry. 

IDXCarbon stands as a significant milestone in Indonesia's journey toward achieving its ambitious climate targets. It provides a platform for businesses and industries to engage in carbon trading, offset their emissions, and promote sustainability. By connecting with Indonesia's climate goals, the presence of a carbon exchange not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also drives economic growth, fosters international cooperation, and positions Indonesia as a key player in the global fight against climate change.

As Indonesia continues to develop its carbon market and enhance its climate mitigation efforts, it sets an example for other countries striving to meet their climate commitments in an economically sustainable manner. The launch of IDXCarbon represents a new chapter in Indonesia's environmental journey and a significant contribution to global climate action.

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